Online Fishing stuff
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Zonker, Lead Eye, Silver-Grizzly
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Random fishing Flies
Midge, Real, Black |
![]() Your price: $1.25 |
The Black Real Midge is a midge pattern designed for stillwater and those springcreek situations where the currents are minimal and the fish has an inordinate amount of time to scrutinize your fly. Such situations are demanding and can try a fisherman's patience to the limit. Many times a very small, sparsely dressed fly is the only pattern a fish will move to intercept. The Black Real Midge is just such a fly and would be a useful pattern when those challenging fishing situations arise. |
Hopper, Simple |
![]() Your price: $1.75 |
In the world of fly tying many times it’s proven that pattern simplicity can be a straight through approach to success on the water. The Simple Hopper is a very straight forward Hopper pattern that although simple in concept and design still manifests the critical Hopper pattern attributes to trigger a response from your quarry. Providing the proper silhouette on the water this pattern rides low and well in any current and the Hi Vis post enables the fly fisherman to remain focused on the fly even in very poor lighting conditions. The Simple Hopper would be a great addition to your Terrestrial collection. |