Online Fishing stuff
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Egg, Late McRoe
You found Egg, Late McRoe in category and subcategory Brought to you by Online Fishing
Random fishing Flies
Foamulator, Yellow |
![]() Your price: $2.00 |
The combination of crystal dubbing, high floating foam, rubber legs, hackle, elk hair and a flashy underwing make the Yellow Foamulator come to life. The addition of foam and other synthetics have improved the Stimulator profile and made it buoyant and very durable. Foamulators are very effective when there are Stoneflies or Grasshoppers around and have quickly become one of the most popular all around attractor patterns. |
Cranefly Larva |
![]() Your price: $1.50 |
Cranefly Larva are typically overlooked by a majority of fly fishermen and yet they are a commonly found food source in so many waters. The Cranefly Larva has a reputation for drawing unusually large fish in many rivers throughout the United States and those nymph fishermen who are well versed always have a good assortment of these tasty fish temptations. If you fish larger rivers and streams you need a good crane fly pattern in your collection. |