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Bonefish Special
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Random fishing Flies
Chubby Chernobyl, Brown |
![]() Your price: $1.75 |
The Chubby Chernobyl is the most known large dry fly world wide. This Brown Chubby Chernobyl has great floatabilty, making it perfect for hanging a dropper underneath. The dubbed body and wing on top are perfect for soaking in floatant. The legs splay out perfectly to give that buggy look we all shoot for when tying up! |
Parachute Hares Ear |
![]() Your price: $1.50 |
Now the famous Hares Ear is a dry fly! The Parachute Hares Ear is a can't miss combination of the famous Hares Ear Nymph and Parachute Adams fly. This combination creates a substantial bug that floats well and attracts a lot of attention from hungry fish. This pattern is quickly becoming a favorite amongst fly fishing guides and many other avid anglers. |