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Marabou, Manhattan Beach

Item #: 615019602
Your Price: $1.75

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This fly is a simple but effective pattern. The Manhattan Beach Fly really moves and has enough flash to aggravate fish into striking.

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Fly fishing for bass, pike, and other warmwater fish species continues to grow in popularity. Whether you call them bluegills, red ears, pumkin seeds, or simply bream, small Sunfish are important food wherever they find themselves together with big predatory fish. This subsurface Sunfish Fly works nicely as an enticing sunfish imitation.

Marabou, Black-Orange

Marabou, Black-Orange

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The Marabou is a great addition to any fly box. Our Black-Orange Marabou Fly is no exception. The marabou moves and pulsates giving this pattern a life like appearance that drives salmon and other species crazy.