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Pale Morning Dun Comparadun, Cream
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Random fishing Flies
Clouser Deep Minnow, Olive-White |
Your price: $2.45 |
This classic saltwater fly also known as a Clouser Minnow is probably the most popular saltwater pattern in the world. It is effective on nearly every predatory saltwater species. The Clouser Deep Minnow, Olive-White is especially useful for stripers, bluefish, bonefish, redfish, snook, seatrout, and many others. It has also become a very popular freshwater streamer pattern. Every fly fisher should carry an array of sizes and colors to be ready for anything. |
Girdle Bug, Black, White Legs |
Your price: $1.25 |
In this time of crazy synthetics and ultra-realistic fly patterns the classic White Leg Black Girdle Bug is sometimes overlooked. Anglers in the know, however, are still catching big brawny trout on this suggestive pattern. Fish it deep for a stonefly or you might even try stripping it like a bugger. The Girdle Bug may be an oldie, but its a goodie. |