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Gray Drake, Spinner, Foam
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Random fishing Flies
Sow Bug, Gray |
Your price: $1.50 |
Years ago any conversation waterside involving the subject of Sow Bugs on most waters would have brought questioning looks by many as this aquatic life form had very little recognition. Now a days Nymph fishermen are sure to carry some Sow bugs in the collection. The Grey Sow Bug is a very good impressionistic pattern that is sure to draw some attention. Simply put, get this fly, put it in your box and get it wet! The Grey Sow Bug will not disappoint. |
Peeking Caddis, Chartreuse |
Your price: $1.50 |
The Chatreuse Peeking Caddis Fly is one of the top patterns for imitating a cased caddis. The natural materials used on this fly make it a versatile pattern that will work in almost any water. Most anglers drift the peeking caddis like a nymph but it will also work as an effective emerger pattern. |