Online Fishing stuff
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Gray Drake, Dun, Thorax
You found Gray Drake, Dun, Thorax in category and subcategory Brought to you by Online Fishing
Random fishing Flies
Gypsy King, Variant-Blue |
Your price: $2.00 |
This Gypsy King, Variant-Blue fly uses a simple but very effective approach of tieing hackle over the top of the foam body to give the fly CRAZY ACTION when viewed from underneath. It makes a deadly Stonefly, Hopper, Cricket, and about 100 other tasty treats. We love to fish the Gypsy King for a lot of different applications. It is a unique fly and it just seems to "get 'em!" |
Copper John Nymph, BH, Rubber Legs, Red |
Your price: $1.50 |
The Red Rubber Legs Copper John popular and effective pattern has taken the fly fishing world by storm. This fly sinks quickly and can be used as a deep nymph or a dropper. Fish seem unable to resist the combination of color, flash, and realistic shape. The addition of rubber legs creates an added attractant that makes this fly hugely successful. Most guides and serious anglers never enter the river without several sizes, colors, and variations of this rubber legs pattern in the fly box. |