Online Fishing stuff
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X-Caddis, Black
You found X-Caddis, Black in category and subcategory Brought to you by Online Fishing
Random fishing Flies
Fish Taco-Pink |
Your price: $2.95 |
Fish Taco casts easy, moves well in light winter inside flows and won't spook fish in low water. Fishes well on sink tips to put us in the steelhead zone. |
Ant, Chernobyl , South Fork, Tan |
Your price: $1.85 |
The South Fork Chernobyl Ant Fly has the newer more realistic materials which give it a buggy look that fish can't pass up. This high floating, durable pattern imitates stoneflies, crickets, beetles, grasshoppers, and simply looks like a tasty meal. This is a fantastic fly that will bring big fish up in conditions where nothing else seems to work. This color combination was developed in Idaho for the South Fork of the Snake River but quickly became a top attractor pattern that works all over the world. |