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Crazy Charlie, Yellow-Chartreuse

Item #: 615019728
Your Price: $2.45

Click here to purchase from RiverBum Inc

This is the classic flats fly. It is useful in a variety of situations and works on almost every thing that cruises the flats and is also useful in freshwater for sightfishing to carp.

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Serendipity, Bead Head, Orange

Serendipity, Bead Head, Orange

Your price: $1.65

Developed around the classic trout waters of Yellowstone, Orange Bead Head Serendipity Fly has become a favorite especially of pocket water fishermen on the famous Madison River. The array of colors and sizes allows this fly to be used for caddis and midges or simply as a searching pattern. Trout in all types of water, even in large stillwater environments, seem to love the segmented buggy look of the Serendipity.

Marabou, Black-Orange

Marabou, Black-Orange

Your price: $1.75

The Marabou is a great addition to any fly box. Our Black-Orange Marabou Fly is no exception. The marabou moves and pulsates giving this pattern a life like appearance that drives salmon and other species crazy.